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22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

What is the difference between Religion and Faith? Religion is something we create, supposedly for God; often, if you delve deeply into what we call religion, you won't find God at its centre but rather our own interests and 'image'. On the other hand, Faith is a gift given to us by God; Faith is the opportunity God gives us to enter into a filial relationship with Him (a relationship as children) through Jesus, and Jesus makes this possible for us today through His Church. Simply put, religion is something that belongs to us, while Faith is a gift from God. Therefore, we must be very careful with our customs and traditions, even when it comes to religion, because a religion without Jesus brings division and conflict and is often an expression of our own selfishness. Only Faith can give value to Religion, and if Religion truly expresses authentic Faith as it should, it becomes one of the most beautiful things a person can do in the world.

In today's Gospel, Jesus speaks to us about this: it's important to note that Jesus isn't talking about hygiene; washing one's hands before eating is important and something we should do. The Pharisees and the Scribes criticised the Apostles with Jesus not because of hygiene but because of a religious tradition they held: they believed that if you went to a place where there were many people, you would encounter many sinners, and if you didn't wash your hands before eating, you would be contaminating yourself with their sin. We notice how religious customs without Jesus can lead a person away from others instead of bringing them closer and loving them as the Lord wants. Jesus is harsh with them and quotes the prophet Isaiah, saying: “This people honours me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. In vain do they worship me, teaching doctrines that are merely human precepts. You set aside the commandments of God to cling to human traditions.” How important it is to reflect on these words coming from heaven! How easy it is, even in our time, to make the same mistake and use our ideas and customs to condemn and hurt each other when the Lord wants us to love and respect each other and everyone, even when we disagree.

In today's first reading, Moses warns the people, saying: “Now, Israel, listen to the laws and decrees that I am teaching you to observe, so that you may live... Do not add to what I command you nor subtract from it... Observe them and do them, for this will show your wisdom and understanding.” The laws and decrees of the Lord give life and lead a person to love and respect others; on the other hand, when we often use the things of God to spread and impose our ideas, we bring only a lack of love and division. Therefore, it is so important that in what we do, especially when it concerns our religion, we are very careful to ensure it aligns with what the Lord wants and teaches, and not something we want to impose. Often, the problem of fanaticism arises from our desire to impose our will on others and has nothing to do with God and His law. We ask ourselves: Am I living Faith or Religion? Do I feel that what I do and speak about is a gift from God, without my merit, or do I feel it is something of mine that I want to impose on others? How much do I feel that at the heart of religion there must be true Faith in the God of Jesus Christ?

We pray, Lord, give us the Spirit of Wisdom so that in our lives, we put first and foremost what comes from You and that You give us, and that we show respect and love towards everyone, even when it comes to our Faith and Religion. Amen.


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