We have begun the liturgical period in the Church known as "Ordinary Time", or the time during the year. This does not mean that the Mass is any less important than those celebrated during the special seasons of Advent and Christmas, Lent, and Easter. The Mass remains the most important moment in our lives. This is the time when we are called to live out what we celebrated during the special season we have just concluded.
This Sunday presents us with what Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, which was “the first of his signs.” How wonderful it would be if our family, or rather every household, followed the example of the couple at Cana by inviting Jesus and His Mother Mary to their wedding. How much more beneficial it would be for us than anything else if our families placed them at the centre. How many of the problems that arise would we solve with far less suffering and division if these Guests were always at the heart of our lives and in the centre of our hearts.
The Evangelist John tells us right away that a major problem arose at this wedding: there was no more wine. At that time, wine was the only beverage available at special celebrations, such as a wedding. We can understand the embarrassment of the newlyweds who, perhaps because they were poor, did not have an abundant supply of wine. It was Mary who noticed the problem and turned to Jesus, saying, “They have no wine.” Wine can signify many things, but it is best likened to love. It is not uncommon for married couples, and not only them, to experience a lack of love. Love is the quality that gives meaning not only to married life but to the life of every one of us. A life without true love is an empty and meaningless life.
Perhaps Jesus’ reply shocks us: “Woman, what is that to me and to you? My hour has not yet come.” When Jesus speaks of His hour, He is referring to the moment when He would suffer, die, and rise from the dead to save the world. Jesus knows that the moment He begins to show He is the Messiah, His hour will draw closer. This is why He tells His Mother that the moment He starts performing miracles, His hour of suffering will also begin to approach. Yet His Mother, this woman full of love, turns to the servants and tells them, and us, “Do whatever He tells you.”
What surprises us most in this account are the servants: “Fill the jars with water,” Jesus told them, “and they filled them to the brim.” Imagine how much we would have complained if it had been us, saying we needed wine, not water. Yet these servants follow Mary’s instruction and thus become witnesses to the first of Jesus’ signs.
Lord Jesus, grant the grace to every couple, family, and each one of us, that, like the couple at Cana, You and Your Mother may always be the special guests of our entire lives. Grant us the faith of the servants, that we may have complete trust in You even in the darkest mysteries of our lives.