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Anniversary of Priesthood Ordination

A Mass of Thanksgiving will be held in our parish, and everyone is invited to join Monsignor Mikiel Mintoff in celebrating the 50th anniversary of his priesthood ordination (1974 - 2024) on Saturday, 25th May 2024, at 6:30 in the evening. Bishop Monsignor Anton Teuma will deliver the homily for the occasion. Afterwards, there will be a reception under a temporary outdoor structure in the square. Some quotes from these celebrations: "There are no words more beautiful or better than those of Our Mother Mary to say thank you to the Lord for all He has graciously done for me through the grace of priesthood as is written in the Bible: "My soul glorifies the Lord... for the Almighty has done great things for me, holy is his name."  The joy of priesthood is not only for the priest or his family but for the entire community he serves through his work. Therefore, while we give thanks to God, let us rejoice together for the grace of priesthood and continue to pray for vocations so that every community may find comfort in the Word of God and the Eucharist through the work of the priests who fulfil their ministry within it. After the Mass, everyone is invited to continue sharing our joy together during a reception in Għasri's Salvatur Square.


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