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Ascension Sunday - Year B

In Roman times, when a general returned from the victory of a battle, he would enter triumphantly into Rome. He would proceed before the emperor, and after bowing his head in front of him, he would say 'Consummatum Est', meaning 'it is all finished', indicating that the mission he was entrusted with was entirely accomplished. Jesus, on the cross, uttered these same words, and today we can imagine them echoing back in the Father's house as He repeats these words.

In the first reading of today, we heard: 'After His passion was over, He showed Himself to them and gave many proofs that He was alive; they saw Him many times...'. This placed the apostles in the unique position of direct heirs of the Lord's resurrection, but while now Jesus' mission was complete, that of the apostles and the Church was about to begin: '"Go into all the world, preach the Gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved...'. They now had the mission to deliver to all mankind what they had received. This command is not yet complete because our mission is ongoing and will continue until the end of time, both personally and for the Church.

As the greatest help, Jesus gives them the Holy Spirit: ' a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." And the Holy Spirit had to fill them with courage to carry out this difficult mission that He was leaving in their hands: 'when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power, and you will be my witnesses... to the ends of the earth." How were they going to deliver Jesus into the world? 'Go into all the world, preach the Gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved...'. Jesus sent them to preach the Gospel and to baptize. The hearing of the Word leads to Faith, and Faith leads to the sacrament of Baptism that strengthens in Faith and opens the door to the life of Faith and the other sacraments.

We are reminded of the words 'whoever believes and is baptized will be saved'. Baptism is not some magical ritual, it demands from us Faith and a commitment to life. How important it is that the seeds sown in Baptism are nurtured in Faith from a young age. The sacraments give us God's grace, which, if we cooperate with it, brings about a change in our lives.

St. Paul in the second reading today tells us: 'to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called; with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.' The calling we have been given is the same as the mission through which our lives become one with that of Jesus, and so we need to live as He did. We do this first and foremost by loving one another with genuine love, meaning we must be humble because one cannot love if one is not humble; and that we have gentleness and patience with one another. 'Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace...' St. Paul appeals to us to maintain the bond and respect between us. How relevant this appeal is; perhaps never before in our time of divisions has it been so necessary to work to create unity and peace in the Church. And he continues to tell us: 'it was he who gave some to be apostles,... Thus, we are reminded of the work of the saints for the building of the Body of Christ,' We all have a different mission, a call from God that matches our capabilities, but above all we all have the same call to be saints, to become more and more like Jesus, and with the power of the Holy Spirit within us, to continue to spread His salvation to every person, in every place and time.

Today's first reading ends with a small detail that is worth noting: 'Jesus, who was taken from among you into heaven, will come back in the same way you saw Him go into heaven."' The Lord will return as the Judge of the world, we need to give an account of our lives. Let us ask ourselves: How can I say that I know Jesus and have met Him personally in such a way that I can also be called His witness? How do I feel that it is my mission to bring Jesus to others? How do I work for unity and love wherever I am, but especially in the Church, because I believe that this commandment was also given to me by Jesus?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you have returned to the Father's house, and so you have shown us where we want to be: help us to never forget the mission you gave to the apostles and to us, meaning that we continue to bring You to the world of today, and we do this first by becoming holy. Amen.


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