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Bulletin - 19th May 2024

Għasri Parish's notices for this week are as follows:

1. The final collection for the Feast will take place this coming Sunday, 19th of May. Members of the Feast committee will be collecting donations after the 8:30 am Mass. Let us be generous so that our village, despite its small size, can host a worthy celebration in honour of the great mystery to which it is dedicated. Thank you in advance for the generosity you have always shown and will surely demonstrate at this collection.

2. A Mass of Thanksgiving will be held in our parish, and everyone is invited to join Monsignor Mikiel Mintoff in celebrating the 50th anniversary of his priesthood ordination (1974 - 2024) on Saturday, 25th May 2024, at 6:30 in the evening. Some quotes from these celebrations: "There are no words more beautiful or better than those of Our Mother Mary to say thank you to the Lord for all He has graciously done for me through the grace of priesthood as is written in the Bible: "My soul glorifies the Lord... for the Almighty has done great things for me, holy is his name." The joy of priesthood is not only for the priest or his family but for the entire community he serves through his work. Therefore, while we give thanks to God, let us rejoice together for the grace of priesthood and continue to pray for vocations so that every community may find comfort in the Word of God and the Eucharist through the work of the priests who fulfil their ministry within it. After the Mass, everyone is invited to continue sharing our joy together during a reception in Għasri's Salvatur Square.

3. May is dedicated to Our Lady. Every day in our church, we recite the rosary twice: before the 7.30 am Mass and in the evening at 6.00 pm before the 6.30pm Mass. Join us at least every Thursday evening at 6.00 pm as we offer the rosary for the sanctification of Priests, Religious, and Missionaries, for more Vocations, and above all for our families. The family that prays together stays together.

4. Marian Wednesdays: Through a visit to the Madonna of Ta’ Pinu or to the Patronage Madonna, Mass is celebrated every Wednesday evening at 6.30 pm at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Patronage, preceded by the rosary and hymns at 6.00 pm. During these Marian Wednesdays, there is no Wednesday evening Mass at the parish church as per the times in this link:

5: Bookings for Weddings at the Għasri Parish: All those who have spoken to Fr Eddie Vella about their wedding celebration are requested to visit the Parish Office to fill out a form with their details and those of the wedding. It is important for couples wishing to have a church wedding to remember that they are required to undergo the Diocese's two-year marriage preparation course.

6. Confession Times: On Saturday, a visiting confessor will be available from 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm. On Sunday, confession times are from 8.30 am to 9.00 am, 10.15 am to 10.45 am, and 5.55 pm to 6.15 pm. On the First Friday of the month, a visiting confessor will be available from 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm. Additionally, every First Sunday of the month, a visiting confessor will be available throughout all Masses.

7. Communion for the sick (Viaticum) is given every Sunday after 8.30am's Mass.

8. Għasri's traditional Festa will be held on Sunday, 2nd June 2024.

Updates from various pastoral groups in Għasri Parish:

- Weekly spiritual meetings for students from Form 2 until Form 5 every Friday evening at 7.30pm at Għasri Parish Centre.

- Sunday School: There are two catechism sessions every week: Saturday at 5.00pm and Sunday at 9.15am. Both are currently held at the Għasri Parish Centre and are available for all kids until Form 2 (Year eight). The necessary form is required to be filled prior to enrolling in Sunday School. Please send an email or contact Fr. Edward Vella.

- Every third Saturday of the month, at 7.30pm, we have a monthly meeting for married couples at the Għasri Parish Centre.

- Legion of Mary: Fridays at 5.00pm (Summer-Time) at the Church Sacristy (Għasri).

- English-Speaking Group: Prayer meeting in English every second Thursday of the month at Għasri Parish Church at 3.30pm followed by an Afternoon Tea at the rectory opposite the church.

Updates from the Għasri Parish Council:

- The parish office is open on Tuesdays (9am-10.30am), Thursdays (9am-10.30am), Sunday (9.15am-10.30am). The person who is available during these office hours is Ms. Grace Calleja from the Għasri Parish Council. Thus, one can speak directly to a parish representative on logistical/administrative matters relating to the parish during these hours.

- The updates on the two infrastructural projects which are currently ongoing at our parish are as follows > (a) Updates on the Church's roof restoration: collections during the first weekend of each month will go directly to this infrastructure project. The architect noted that it's not just the membrane which needs changing but also some stones around the windows. > (b) There are no new updates on the cemetery works. However, those who would like to reserve a new grave are kindly requested to contact the parish.

- Finance updates from the Financial Committee within the Għasri Parish Council -- no updates.

- Those who would like to make a literary contribution to the next edition of Il-Korpus (i.e. the annual publication exclusively on Għasri's spiritual and secular history) are kindly requested to contact the editor as usual. Alternatively, one can contact the parish and we will provide the contact details of the editor.

Notes from the Gozo Diocese:

- The Diocese's pastoral theme for this year is "Stay with us, Lord" (Luke 24:29). More information on the social media of Gozo Diocese.

- Those who would like to subscribe to the print-version of Gozo Diocese's monthly publication "Il-Ħajja f'Għawdex" can send a separate email which would be forwarded to the publishers. The printed publication is in Maltese only and the fee is paid annually.

-. Diocesan celebration of Pentecost: Saturday, 18th May, at 8.00 pm. Every year, on the eve of the fiftieth day of Easter, we gather as a Diocese to celebrate the Vigil of Pentecost. This will take place on Saturday, 18th May, at 8.00 pm, at the footsteps of the Sanctuary of Ta’ Pinu. It will be a beautiful occasion, and members of our parish are encouraged to attend this moment of grace. Those in need of transportation should contact one of our priests or inquire at the parish office.

- The 5 Spiritual Sessions led by the Bishop of Gozo, Msgr. Anton Teuma, which were held at the parish church of Għasri in February 2024, where the theme was Repentance, are now available online on the YouTube playlist of the Diocese of Gozo at this link: 

- For updates on the Synod on Synodality, one can follow the official media of either the Gozo Diocese, the Archdiocese of Malta or the Vatican News.

I wish you all a blessed week!


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