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Bulletin - 9th March 2025

Għasri Parish's notices for this week are as follows:

- 1st March is the First Saturday on the Month— Adoration from 7 pm to 8 pm. The session will introduce us to the Book of Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Bible. We hope more people will hear the Lord’s call to adore Him and listen to His Word. 

- Next Sunday, 2nd March, being the First Sunday of the month, a special collection will be held during all Masses for the restoration of the Church. A heartfelt thank you to all those who are generous towards our beloved Parish. Let us not forget that on every first Sunday of the month, during all Masses, Confessions will be available from visiting confessors. Let us take this sacrament seriously, as nothing brings us closer to God’s love and mercy than this. 

- Lenten Spiritual Exercises will be led by Fr. Marcello Ghirlando from Monday, 17th March, to Friday, 21st March, at our Church at 6:30 pm. No Christian who takes their spiritual life seriously should let Lent pass without attending a retreat. What will you do? Prove to yourself that you want to take your relationship with God seriously by deciding now to take part in this moment of grace.

- Għasri Feast Committee (L-Għaqda Armar Salvatur Għasri) is organizing a, ‘Pizza Take Away’. Date: 8th March 2025. Call Kunsill Lokali tal-Għasri on 21558686 to book your order & time. Bookings will be open from 18:30 onwards. Please try to be on time. ‘Pizza Take Away’, will be taken place from Għasri Parish Centre. One can also choose to book a table to eat at Għasri Parish Centre. When you book your order please tell us if you have the pleasure to eat at Għasri Parish Centre or take away. Thanks

- This Wednesday, 5th March, marks Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting and abstinence from meat. Everyone is encouraged to attend Mass, which will be held at 7:30 am and 6:00 pm. A special Mass for the students of Laura Vicuna School will also take place at 8:15 am. Let us begin this season of grace by participating in the Eucharistic celebration. Following discussions at the last Parish Council meeting, it has been decided that during Lent, each evening will begin with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 5:30 pm, followed by a meditative Stations of the Cross and Benediction, and then Mass with integrated Vespers at 6:00 pm. Those wishing to pray the Rosary privately should arrive by 5:15 pm to finish in time for the exposition. The Rosary will also be recited in the morning before Mass as usual. Regarding singing during Mass in Lent, the Parish Council has discussed the importance of silence in this liturgical season. Therefore, it has been decided that on weekdays, there will be no singing at the beginning of Mass, during the Offertory, or Communion. The only hymns will be "Glory and Praise to You, Christ" before the Gospel and the concluding hymn. On Sundays, there will also be no hymns at the start of Mass, during the Offertory, or Communion, with only the "Lord Have Mercy," "Glory and Praise to You, Christ" before the Gospel reading, and the final hymn being sung. Those responsible for the music ministry are kindly asked to adhere to these guidelines to help deepen our appreciation of silence in the liturgy and beyond.

- Members of the Franciscan Fraternity of Jesus and Mary are available to visit those in need, particularly the elderly and those who do not work. Anyone who has not yet registered for a visit should do so as soon as possible. Important upcoming dates include Saturday, 8th March, at the 6:00 pm Mass and Sunday, 9th March, at the 8:30 am Mass, when members of the fraternity will share their testimonies with us. On Friday, 28th March, a special adoration event called "Effeta" will take place, during which anyone seeking a particular grace may receive individual prayer if they wish.- A Diocesan Pilgrimage with the miraculous crucifix of Ġieżu will be held on Sunday, 9th March, the First Sunday of Lent, from the Church of St Anthony to the Parish Church of Għajnsielem. The crucifix will arrive in Gozo on Friday, 7th March, and will remain on display until Sunday, 9th March. A minibus service has been arranged for those attending the pilgrimage on Sunday, 9th March, so all participants are asked to join the minibus rather than drive their own cars. Those wishing to attend should register at the Parish Office, which can be contacted at 27033256 during office hours. Elderly individuals and those with mobility difficulties will be transported directly to the main square. The minibus will depart at 3:15 pm. Please note that due to this Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage, the 5:00 pm Mass at the Church of the Patronage will not be held on Sunday, 9th March.

- Next Friday, 7th March, is the First Friday of the Month. Everyone is encouraged to attend Mass, receive Communion, go to Confession once a month, and spend time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. A visiting confessor will be available for Confessions from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm.- From the event held on Friday, 21st February, €52 were raised. Many thanks to those who organised and participated. Let us not forget that these activities serve not only as fundraising opportunities but also as social gatherings that bring us together. A special thank you also goes to the individual who generously donated €100 to the Church. Separately, a total of €344.98 was collected for the Holy Land. Sincere thanks to everyone who contributed.

- More Focus on Wied l-Għasri Basilica: The only evening Sunday mass in Għasri will be held at Għasri's geographical heart in Gozo's first basilica at 5pm. More information on the Basilica: . Recently, TVM (Malta's national broadcasting corporation) produced a short documentary on Gozo's first Basilica in Wied l-Għasri which can be viewed here: - Confession Times: On Saturday, a visiting confessor will be available from 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm. On Sunday, confession times are from 8.30 am to 9.00 am, 10.15 am to 10.45 am, and 5.55 pm to 6.15 pm. On the First Friday of the month, a visiting confessor will be available from 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm. Additionally, every First Sunday of the month, a visiting confessor will be available throughout all Masses.

- We would also like to remind everyone that it is possible to leave funds with the Parish to cover funeral expenses and Masses after one’s passing. These funds, known as fiduciary donations, ensure that costs are covered, taking into account that expenses will inevitably rise in the future, while also leaving an amount for Masses. A receipt will be issued detailing the agreement with the parish. Those interested should contact the Parish Priest.

 - Communion for the sick (Viaticum) is given every Sunday after 8.30am's Mass.

Updates from various pastoral groups in Għasri Parish

- Catechism in Għasri: There are two catechism sessions every week: Thursdays at 6.30pm and Sunday at 9.15am. Both are currently held at the Għasri Parish Centre and are available for all kids until Form 2 (Year eight). 

- Every third Saturday of the month, at 7pm, we have a monthly meeting for married couples at the Għasri Parish Centre. (Not held during Summer).

- Legion of Mary: Meetings of the Legion of Mary are currently on hold. However, any individuals interested in joining this prayer and formation group under the mantle of Mary are encouraged to speak with the parish priest.

- English-Speaking Group: Prayer meeting in English every second Thursday of the month at Għasri Parish Church at 3.30pm followed by an Afternoon Tea at the rectory opposite the church. The Sunday sermons delivered at Għasri Parish church are accessible in English in this section of our website: 

Updates from the Għasri Parish Council:

- The parish office is open on Tuesdays (9am-10.30am), Thursdays (9am-10.30am), Sunday (9.15am-10.30am). The person who is available during these office hours is Ms. Grace Calleja from the Għasri Parish Council. Thus, one can speak directly to a parish representative on logistical/administrative matters relating to the parish during these hours.

- The updates on the two infrastructural projects which are currently ongoing at our parish are as follows > (a) Updates on the Church's roof restoration: collections during the first weekend of each month will go directly to this infrastructure project. The architect noted that it's not just the membrane which needs changing but also some stones around the windows. > (b) There are no new updates on the cemetery works. However, those who would like to reserve a new grave are kindly requested to contact the parish.

- Finance updates from the Financial Committee within the Għasri Parish Council --  no updates.

- DSOOur Parish's Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) is Lino Xerri and in case of need, you can contact him on 79208153. 

- Those who would like to make a literary contribution to the next edition of Il-Korpus (i.e. the annual publication exclusively on Għasri's spiritual and secular history) are kindly requested to contact the editor as usual. Alternatively, one can contact the parish and we will provide the contact details of the editor. 

Notes from the Gozo Diocese

- The Diocese's pastoral theme for this year is "Stay with us, Lord" (Luke 24:29). More information on the social media of Gozo Diocese.

- The 5 Spiritual Sessions led by the Bishop of Gozo, Msgr. Anton Teuma, which were held at the parish church of Għasri in February 2024, where the theme was Repentance, are now available online on the YouTube playlist of the Diocese of Gozo at this link: 

- Those who would like to subscribe to the print-version of Gozo Diocese's monthly publication "Il-Ħajja f'Għawdex" can send a separate email which would be forwarded to the publishers. The printed publication is in Maltese only and the fee is paid annually. 

Notes from the global Roman Catholic Church:

- Jubilee 2025 - In 2025, the universal Catholic Church has the Jubilee (held every 25 years). Pope Francis has prepared the following prayer: "Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom. May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel. May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally. May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth. To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever. Amen". More information: 

- Pope Francis' prayer intention for March 2025 is "For families in crisis: Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other's gifts, even in their differences."

Let us lift up Pope Francis in our prayers during this time of illness: Heavenly Father, We entrust Pope Francis into Your loving hands. Grant him strength, comfort, and healing in his time of sickness. Bless the doctors and caregivers tending to him, and give him peace in his suffering. May Your grace sustain him, and may he continue to be a beacon of faith, hope, and love for Your Church. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

- For synodal updates on the Synod on Synodality, one can follow the official media of either the Gozo Diocese, the Archdiocese of Malta or the Vatican News. 

I wish you all a blessed week!

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