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Easter Sunday - Year B

We are all undoubtedly shocked by the news coming from global conflicts; we were accustomed to seeing such scenes in documentaries about past wars and never dreamed that this could happen again in our time. Perhaps some of us have thought: what purpose is there in celebrating Easter when our brothers and sisters in these areas, and others, cannot celebrate Easter, but also many have lost their lives, millions had to flee their country, and many others have to fight for their country's freedom with their lives threatened at every moment.

What sense is there in celebrating Easter when there is so much evil in the world, what sense is there in celebrating Easter when our lives are changing overnight because we have more money but not more joy, peace, love, respect for each other and for nature, this home that God gave us? What sense is there in Easter when in many countries the most dangerous place in life has become the womb of the mother because through abortion hundreds of thousands of babies are killed, and we could go on. What sense is there in celebrating Easter if evil not only seems to dominate the world around us but also that within us?

Is the resurrection of Jesus from the dead merely a children's fairy tale? What effect did the resurrection of Jesus have on the world and on us? Why does evil seem to keep growing? What is our faith in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead based on?

Saint Paul tells us 'if Christ had not been raised, our faith would be in vain'. The apostles were not fools as we see in all the Gospels they found it very hard to believe that Jesus truly rose from the dead, after all as we find it ourselves. So what happened? Why did they change overnight? Why did they flee and leave Jesus alone when he needed them most, Peter even denied knowing him, why did they lock themselves away frightened that they would meet the same fate, and a few days later they come out preaching in serious danger to their lives? Why did nothing and no one kill their spirit, no threats, no travel, no dangers of every sort, not even the violent death of their companions? Why in the end did they die for what at the beginning they were so afraid to confess?

Why did they meet Jesus raised from the dead after they had seen him die on the cross and buried in a tomb? We owe a great debt to these first Jewish Christians. The resurrection of Jesus changed their lives overnight, they began to live only for Him, nothing else made sense in their lives except to convey what they had seen with their own eyes and believed in. Twelve men spread out across the entire world to deliver the good news, and most importantly that Jesus rose from the dead.

Why is it so important that Jesus rose from the dead so much so that without this feast none other would matter? In what way is this not simply an event of the past and therefore buried in history books like any other event?

The resurrection of Jesus means that:

  • Good triumphed over evil,

  • Light triumphed over darkness,

  • Grace triumphed over sin,

  • Love triumphed over hatred and wars,

  • Life triumphed over death.

So since Jesus rose, as much as evil seems to be winning in the world, as much as sin seems to be ensnaring more and more people, in the end, this is the cry of a loser. Because Jesus rose from the dead all the evil of the world, sin, hatred and wars, death and above all the devil are losers; they are not going to lose but are already losers, because the victory has already happened.

So what does this mean for us, what does this mean for people affected by global conflicts? It means that if you and I choose Jesus and His Word, as much as evil seems to be winning in us and around us, no matter how strong the waves of life, no matter how much we go through dark valleys in the end for us there is certain victory. This means courage, hope, and certain peace in the future.

On the other hand, if you and I do not choose Jesus with open eyes, if we turn away from His Word, and choose what the world wants, if we remain stubborn on this path, as much as it seems that we have acquired worldly wealth, entertained and enjoyed as much as we entertained and enjoyed, had as many successes in this world in the end we are the losers and our life if we do not convert will end in loss.

Jesus walked the entire path for us, only one thing is missing, my choice and yours.

Happy Easter to you all.


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