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Palm Sunday - Year B

If God wills, we shall begin the most important week for us Christians. Holy Week is the time when we join Christ in the establishment of the Eucharist, in his passion, death, and resurrection. This is the Lord's Passage, in which He accompanies us through the Easter Mystery and through the sacraments. Therefore, as Christians, our commitment to participate in these celebrations should be a demonstration of our Faith in Jesus, and a testament that in our lives, He comes first. This is a special moment of grace, which God wishes to give us freely, if we truly desire it and are willing to receive it. One of the best ways we can show God our desire to join Him in the mystery of Christ is through a prepared and sincere confession; a Christian who takes the journey of their Faith with sincerity, opens their heart to the grace of Forgiveness through the sacrament of confession.

This is a moment when, as a Christian community, we stop and look towards the cross of Jesus which, as Saint George Preca called it, is the Great Book, the only one that can teach us and give us what no other book can, namely the teaching of Life. Besides, the blessed olive branch we will take with us will mean nothing without our commitment to actively participate in the Easter Triduum, that is, to take part in the celebrations of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and above all, the Great Vigil of Holy Saturday of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus from death. Those who without serious reason do not participate in these celebrations, we encourage them to seriously ask themselves what it means for them to be a Christian: how can a Christian who takes their faith seriously not make a genuine commitment to participate in these moments so dear to us.

Lord Jesus, prostrate at your feet, we meditate on your harsh passion and death on the cross, we wish to listen, and to contemplate how far the love of God for us can go. Our minds cannot comprehend the magnitude of love that was shown to us amid so much brutality. Today, we wish to let you speak to us, yes, your image crucified speaks to us, inspires us, and rejuvenates us. Help us, Lord, to understand that true love is not comfort, it does not focus on what we will receive, but on what we will give, or rather, true love means to give ourselves, as you gave yourself for us. Lord, in a world that has turned its eyes away from you and thus no longer knows how to love, help us to be the ones who love with the same love with which you loved us, because we believe that where we place your love, we will find love abundantly. Amen.


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