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Sunday of Corpus Christi - Year B

Surely, many of us still have beautiful memories from when Pope Francis was among us, and I imagine that each of us has memories of meeting some famous and 'important' person in our past. In the presence of such individuals, we all feel different, and surely we show great respect towards those who hold a special place in our hearts.

Today we are celebrating a very dear feast, that of Jesus in the Eucharist. I believe each of us needs to ask ourselves a very important question: do I truly believe that in the consecrated bread and wine there is the real presence of Jesus, with his body, blood, soul, as God and as man? What does my behaviour when I enter the church and how I conduct myself in church show? How much respect do I show, not towards a 'special' person but towards God, when I pass by the tabernacle and when I receive him?

The Eucharist is the most important sacrament, but it is also a way of life. In the Eucharist, we truly meet and become one with Jesus, our greatest friend who is God. However, the Eucharist also signifies a lifestyle filled with love, where just as Jesus gives himself to us on the cross and through this sacrament, we give ourselves to others. Above all, the Eucharist is a sacrament of hope, the hope of eternal life. It is the sacrament that gives us and expresses our faith/trust that because Jesus, through his resurrection, conquered death, goodness, love, grace, and life have already triumphed over the evil in the world. Therefore, if we unite with Jesus through this sacrament, we too are participating in his victory forever. If we truly believe this, the Eucharist should be a true source of joy in our lives.

Today, together with Saint George Preca, Jesus wants to say to you, 'Thank you, Lord God, and forgive me, Lord God.' Thank you for this marvellous Sacrament and forgive us for not appreciating enough this gift you offer us; grant us the grace to taste your sweetness as the Psalm says, 'Taste and see that the Lord is good.'


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