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The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Once, someone said that the Holy Spirit is the forgotten God because we rarely mention or talk about Him. On the other hand, the Holy Spirit is the soul of the Church; without Him, everything we do is mere theatre, and the Church itself is a body without a soul, a dead body. The best way to know about Him is by understanding how powerful and marvellous His work in us is, which He accomplishes through His seven gifts. These gifts are:

  1. The Gift of Wisdom perfects the virtue of Faith in us and helps us value what we believe in more. Wisdom leads us to 'make good use of passing goods and bind our hearts to what remains forever.' This divine wisdom enables us to judge worldly matters in relation to our unique destiny, which is the contemplation of God.

  2. The Gift of Understanding helps us comprehend, albeit always in a limited way, the truths of the Catholic Faith. While Wisdom is the desire to contemplate God, Understanding is more about the truths of our Faith, leading to the certainty of Faith and therefore to a profound conviction of it.

  3. The Gift of Counsel is the help the Holy Spirit gives us to decide how to act. This gift ensures that a Christian need not fear defending their Faith, for 'when they hand you over, do not worry about how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you at that time.' (Mt 10:19) Through this gift, the Holy Spirit speaks to the human heart and enlightens it about what to do or avoid.

  4. The Gift of Fortitude is the help to put into practice what, through the Gift of Counsel, we have understood needs to be done. This is the courage nourished by God's grace and is most evident in Martyrs.

  5. The Gift of Knowledge allows us to see the circumstances of our lives as God sees them. Through this gift, one can determine the meaning God gives to their life and live accordingly. Therefore, through this gift, one spontaneously recognises what comes from God and what is a temptation.

  6. The Gift of Piety is the gift through which one grows ever more in the desire to love and serve God, motivated not by obligation but by love for Him. An example of this is when one attends Mass not out of a sense of duty but because they truly love and want to serve God.

  7. The Gift of Fear of the Lord is the gift through which one grows ever more in a genuine desire not to offend God, prompted by love for Him. An example that helps us understand this is when someone knows their parents so well that they fear breaking their hearts.

Come, Holy Spirit, and fill our hearts with Your love and grace.


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